敬请预订《OVERSEAS:里九外七》/ Reserve places for OVERSEAS, close by 每次演出从晚上7点至9点(期间备有Cafe Sambal Group的厨师提供的高级餐饮)。 因为活动的性质,我们请观众务必不要在2个小时内提前退场。敬请预订。¥80(学生 60元)门票包括晚餐。 Each performance, including fine dining created by the chefs of Café Sambal Group, lasts from 19.00 to 21.00, and due to the nature of the event audiences are asked to remain for the full two-hour duration. Tickets are 80RMB (students 60RMB) each and include dinner. |
您也可以打电话 (139 1108 8640) 或发e-mail (overseas_china@sina.com) 预定。 You can also make reservations by calling 139 1108 8640 or emailing overseas_china@sina.com. |